JULY 07/2011

The German Design Council nominated '555 Kubik' for the German Design Award 2012

JULY 07/2011

Exhibition opening at Video Sound Art Festival in Abbiategrasso, Italy

JUNE 06/2011

Premiere of the staging 'MQ10' at Leopold Museum and MUMOK in Vienna, Austria

JUNE 06/2011

Workshop and Lecture together with Robert Seidel at Atelier Biagetti in Milan, Italy

MAY 05/2011

'Kreisrot' was awarded the German Ligthing Design Prize 2011

MARCH 03/2011

Premiere of the opera perfomance 'Idomeneo' at Theater Bremen, Germany

NOVEMBER 11/2010

Workshop together with Urbanscreen at the International Scenographers Festival Basel, Switzerland

JUNE 06/2010

'555 Kubik' was awarded a Silver Lion in Cannes

JUNE 06/2010

'555 Kubik' is shortlisted at Cannes Lions

JUNE 16/06-2010

'555 Kubik' was nominated at Art Directors Club Europe

MAY 05/2010

Premiere of 'Spacing' in Münster, Germany

MAY 16/05-2010

'555 Kubik' was awarded Silver at ADC

MAY 05/2010

'555 Kubik' is nominated at ADC

FEBRUARY 02/2010

Lecture and workshop at Studio Festi's 'Workshop di Videoscenographia' in Milan, Italy

JANUARY 01/2010

Lecture at BTK in Berlin, Germany

JANUARY 01/2010

Selection of recent print publications: International Lighting Design Index, Digital Production, Quotation Magazine Tokyo, Professional Lighting Design, Hinge Magazine Hongkong

NOVEMBER 11/2009

Premiere of 'Why Cinema Now' at the 50th International Film Festival in Thessaloniki, Greece


Premiere of 'Kreisrot' at Bauhaus Dessau, Germany

AUGUST 08/2009

Justin Timberlake, Marc Ecko and Kanye West promoted our project '555 Kubik' through their online publications

AUGUST 08/2009

Selection of recent online publications: Engadget, Gizmondo, BoingBoing, Wallpaper, Designboom, Motiongrapher, Dangerous Minds, Today and Tomorrow, Art Magazin, Computerlove, Nerdcore, idsgn, Interactive Architecture, Freshome, Daily Tonic, DeZona, Pata Magazine, Feingut, Random Magazine, The Awesomer, Juice, Luminapolis

AUGUST 08/2009

Premiere of 'Dockville' at Dockville Festival for Music and Arts in Hamburg, Germany

JULY 07/2009

Within the first week after publishing the video documentation of '555 Kubik' more than 350.000 people have been watching it solely on the video platform vimeo

MAY 05/2009

Premiere of '555 Kubik' at the Hamburg Kunsthalle, Germany